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- Make a strong decision ... then intensify personal comittment
Make a strong decision ... then intensify personal comittment
Activate these thoughts
October 24, 2024
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This week … ➡️ making strong decisions that move the needle, ➡️ a super-enhanced you, ➡️ a bigger orbit than a woman, and more.
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🎧️ On the pod: Your birthright: reclaim original dominion in your walk with Christ
⬇️ P.S. Watch huge fireball blaze over Lake Erie.
Make a strong decision … then intensify personal commitment
Thoughts to activate …
Intensify your desire to experience the complete story of your life. We want all of the music to play.
Invest time in meditation. Let everything and everyone quiet down. Writing grounds you—begin to write some things down that are important to you. Connect with your authentic self as you move forward.
Make quality decisions with conviction and confidence. If there’s a mistake, correct it. But don’t continue hesitating. Inertia = misery.
Wax strong in your commitment. Once a decision is made, continuously increase your commitment to it. Personal commitment attracts good things to your life.
You can be meek (harnessed strength) and bold at the same time. If we’re not bold, we recede into everything and everyone else — there’s little definition in our lives. Live in bold relief against the backdrop of the season you are in.
Q4U: What strong decision can you make now? Build momentum in quality decision-making and confidently move forward.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways (activity, pathways) acknowledge (intimately know) him, and he will make straight (direct, smooth) your paths” (Proverbs 3:5-6 ESV).
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The Spirit in our hearts as a guarantee of more to come
"Parakletos" in New Testament Greek is a business term that means earnest money. It’s the first installment which guarantees full possession.
“He has identified us as his own by placing the Holy Spirit in our hearts as the first installment of everything he will give us” (2 Corinthians 1.22 NLT).
Our experience with the Holy Spirit as a Christ-follower is the pledge of our future experience in the New Heavens & New Earth. We can “taste the good word of God and the powers of the age to come”—see Hebrews 6.4-5.
Let’s pray and affirm … "Father and Jesus … thank you for sending the Holy Spirit to live within us. We receive your earnest, your guarantee of everything that you will give us Now, during the Millennium, and in the New Heavens & New Earth. Help us to sample the powers of the Age to Come in our NOW. Amen.”
Related: see the new, growing collection of Smart Edit ‘Word Wealth’ segments.
A super-enhanced you. Reflect on 1 Corinthians 15. Our physical bodies are like seeds, planted at death (New Testament calls it "sleep"). But they will be raised as super-enhanced bodies—transformed, glorified, and far from ghost-like. Energy beyond what we can fathom! Limitless creativity. You’ll enjoy food and wine!
Father God. C.S. Lewis once noted that many people want a Grandfather God. But he’s Father God. Coachlike. He trains, guides, exhorts, corrects. He’s deep into our development to build our partnership with him.
New “best wine” marriage with the same spouse. A big key to successful, sustainable marriage over a lifetime is personal growth. And relational growth together. “And have clothed yourselves with the new [spiritual self] … (ever in the process of being} renewed and remoulded …” (Colossians 3.10 AMP). Access the progressive newness Christ offers.
Needed: a much bigger orbit than a woman
A man needs a much bigger orbit than a woman. He needs a mission, a life purpose, and he needs to know his name. Only then is he fit for a woman, for only then does he have something to invite her into.
“We the people”. With just 12 days until Election Day, Harris and Trump are crisscrossing swing states as early voting kicks off in over half of the U.S.
High IQ please. Screening embryos for IQ traits is causing quite the controversy. Raising ethical concerns. Cost: $50,000. Brian—slippery ethical slope.
Porn. More than 50% of practicing Christians in the U.S. admit to using pornography. Users commonly face decreased mental health and overall well-being, and feelings of guilt, shame, and isolation. Brian—Jesus makes totally free! Porn aborts the life of prayer.
National Prayer Altar. The Museum of the Bible will host the National Prayer Altar on Thursday, October 24 (date of this issue). Dial in 6:00-8:45pm EDT here.
Egg and veggie breakfasts for a longer, healthier life
Some experts agree than an egg and veggie breakfast is packed with nutrients that support a longer, healthier life.
"This type of meal is fantastic because it’s high in protein, which helps keep your muscles and bones strong. The veggies provide vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber, which are great for your gut health. Plus, healthy fats from foods like avocado or salmon are excellent for your heart and brain." (Raghav Sehgal is a Ph.D. student and Gruber Fellow at Yale University whose research focuses on human aging.)
A study involving over 18,000 adults found that regularly eating eggs is not only linked to a lower mortality rate but also significantly reduces overall mortality. A diet rich in vegetables lowers the risk of chronic diseases that can shorten your lifespan.
(Adapted from HuffPost)

The Word of the Week is … extemporize.
Compose, perform, or produce something such as music or a speech without preparation; improvise. “Joining an improv group is a great way to learn how to extemporize.” English, late 17th century. Source: WordDaily
Related post: The will of God for you is life-giving
Appreciate you …
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Brian Del Turco