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- Dominion: exercising 'naming rights'
Dominion: exercising 'naming rights'

April 25, 2024
Hi All!
Welcome to The Smart Edit newsletter … where we wield Adam-level naming rights, no forbidden fruit necessary! 🍎
Did you know you have ‘naming rights’ in the Kingdom? Follow the link to agree with me in a 2-min. prayer about this dynamic. Our quest? To elevate and meet this moment in a way that pleases the Lord. Hope you find value in The Smart Edit newsletter! — Brian
In this email:
Word of the Kingdom: dominion, exercising naming rights
Podcast: boundary breaker — Jesus empowers women
Higher thoughts: immovable, consecrating things, vocation in Christ
Stellar quote: never lose a ‘holy curiosity’
Health: breathe in the breath of God in nature (John Eldredge)
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Dominion: exercising naming rights

We pick up the Higher Design from God. Then we name it in prayer, proclamation, action.
AUDIO: 🤲 Pray with me on ‘naming rights’ — click to engage a 2 min. prayer opportunity. After clicking link, follow the ‘Continue to website’ button and then play.
Via the born again experience in Christ, we’re reconnected with the Creator-human enterprise that was lost when humanity fell because of unfaithfulness.
One of our new capacities is that we can now “name” things (naming rights) in alignment with higher design.
In early Genesis, God brought the animals before Adam to see what he would call them.
“... whatever the man called a living creature, that was its name” (Genesis 2.19).
A couple of things … First, God is allowing Adam to see if there would be a complementary partner to help him. (Let's just thank the Lord there was another design in the wings!)
More than this, know that naming is authoritative. Adam understood the design of the animals and birds. He then added perception and definition.
There is a vital, seminal principal here. Adam named. God endorsed the naming. See the partnership?
We have a dominion capacity in Christ to see into everything God has created and to NAME IT in harmony with HIGHER DESIGN.
Of course, all of this works out in powerful, practical ways in our lives and work! Ask the Holy Spirit to help you with application. I feel you can apply this broadly. Just 2 examples:
Imagine a parent or grandparent, speaking words of identity and purpose over a child, and unlocking their true identity through prayer. Naming.
Or envision the architect of a project, articulating clear vision, breathing purpose into the cause. Naming.
Naming is seminal and a key element of dominion — the capacity to exercise real authority in life domains where you have influence.
Develop in this. Embrace this Kingdom Dynamic in your world to unleash the latent potential of God’s creativity.
See related newsletters ➡️ Stay cool to rule with King Jesus! ➡️ A Godly ferocity
PODCAST — JesusSmartX
Boundary breaker: Jesus empowers women
Guests Mary DeMuth and Frank Viola show Jesus' revolutionary approach to empowering women. Episode 310. Click player 👇️ or listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or on your favorite podcast platform.
Higher thoughts

⛰️ Be immovable: You can (must) be immovable. “Be steadfast, immovable” (1 Cor 15.58). “Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved” (Psalm 125.1). You shouldn’t move. Mountains move. Jesus says, you can move mountains with belief-filled words (see Mark 11.22-26).
🔥 Consecration: We intentionally bring our realm, our little “kingdom”, under the rule and authority of Christ as King through faith, prayer, and obedience. Daily. Weekly. Steadfastly invoke his reign over things.
👷 Vocation in Christ. N.T. Wright challenges Christ-followers to study, pray, and go deep in the concept of Vocation. We all have a calling in Christ. A vital Kingdom Career. Assignments. We will give an account. “Engage in business (occupy) until I come” (Luke 19.13 ESV).
Older Eastern Europeans who now live in the United States say they are seeing the same things they experienced in their old country before communism gripped their nation. Stifling speech. Surveillance. Censorship and canceling. Engage with awareness and prayer > Intercessors for America.
“Never lose a holy curiosity”

Einstein enjoying a bike.
Albert Einstein is a timeless genius. He once humbly admitted: “I have no special gift. I am only passionately curious.”
Need solutions? I believe the growing Christ-Follower should excel at being curious, imaginative, and creative. And why not? The Spirit of the Creator — the Ultimate Creative — lives in the Christ-Follower. Holy curiosity.
The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existence. One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality. It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery every day. Never lose a holy curiosity.
Breathe in the breath of God in nature
Here’s John Eldredge of Wild at Heart for 90 seconds on the fresh opportunity to experience God’s spirit in nature. Pray the breath of life into your heart and mind. Even your affairs. Creation is filled with the breath of God. Psalm 104:30 — “You send forth Your Spirit (or breath, Hebrew), they are created; and You renew the face of the ground” (NASB).
Appreciate you
In case you missed it … you can check out the recent Inspo Touchstone email powered by The Smart Edit. These quick, inspirational emails are released into the wilds on Mondays at noon Eastern.
Do you know someone who may value receiving The Smart Edit newsletter? More on how we can spread the word to come …
Brian Del Turco
