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The ultimate underwriter of your life
King Jesus underwrites your life and the assignments he has for you

August 22, 2024
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This week … Jesus underwrites your life and assignments, proactively waiting on the Lord, super boost your brain, and more.
Your Life Story, and the assignments Jesus gives you, are vital in this time. They fit into the Grand Story of Christ. The Smart Edit seeks to motivate and equip you in this.
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Obedience rewardedA remarkable blessing(s) will show up on your life horizon. You may say, “Lord, why are You so overwhelmingly generous to me?” And he may say, “I haven’t forgotten how you stayed true to Me during that difficult time. I remember your obedience, always.” |
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King Jesus is the ultimate underwriter of your life and assignments
You’re not even your own idea. You’re Jesus’ idea. He holds the ultimate design, the highest wisdom, and the most beautiful story for your life.
So, when you’re in Christ, he becomes the Ultimate Underwriter of your Life Story.
Here’s Paul in Ephesians …
"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ, just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love" (1:3-4 NKJV).
In the world of finance, underwriters are substantial people who back ventures and ensure success. They literally sign their name to a promise, guaranteeing its fulfillment.
How much more valuable is your life than any financial instrument?
With limitless resources, King Jesus is the Ultimate Underwriter of your destiny —your life and the assignments he has for you.
The ascended Jesus is your patron, sponsor, benefactor, and bankroller. He’s your endorser, signatory, and guarantor.
The full faith and credit of King Jesus guarantees your future.
Jesus underwrites His own Word, backing every promise in Scripture.
He also guarantees every personal word and promise He has given you, ensuring the fulfillment of your Life Design.
Higher thinking
“Mission possible.” “Mission possible” prayer can capture more true reality than you know. Authentic God-reality supercedes the lower “reality” around us.
Punch hard. You can punch above your weight (the natural) in spiritual warfare. How? By being “transformed into the same image (of God) from one degree of glory to another” (2 Corinthians 3.18). The glory is the “weightiness” and authority of God.
My Father’s world. The true sons and daughters of God have home field advantage. "The earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it" (Psalm 24.1). Verse 3 lyrics from the hymn This is my Father's World — “This is my Father's world: O let me ne'er forget, that though the wrong seems oft so strong, God is the Ruler yet.”
Any sphere and occupation
Based in England, T. Austin-Sparks (1888-1971), a deeply impactful Christian voice during the last century, championed the suprem)acy and centrality of Jesus Christ in a way few others could.
The ministry is that which the Holy Spirit enables you to do in any sphere and occupation to which the Lord leads you.
Trending and noteworthy
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. RFK Jr. is planning to drop out of the 2024 U.S. presidential race and endorse Trump.
Who runs the world? Lee Grady says that Jesus runs the world, not politicians.
Divine protection? Is Lebanon’s earthquake a divine protection for Israel?
Survey: Only 10% of Ameicans are now Evangelical. See next feature just below ⬇️
One million women. Evangelist Lou Engle calls a million 'Esthers' to DC Mall in October. Engle sees 2024 as a pivotal moment in history, with God calling women to save the nation. See video clip.
American reading. Nearly half of Americans did not read a book in 2023 (this slays me! - Brian😱). Digital readers are voracious readers. But more read physical books than digital or audio. (YouGov)
🔟 New report: only 10% of Americans are Evangelical
A recent survey reveals that evangelicals make up a smaller percentage of the U.S. population than previously thought, though still a notable demographic.
The American Worldview Inventory, conducted by George Barna at Arizona Christian University, found that only 10 percent of U.S. adults fit the definition of evangelical as defined by the National Association of Evangelicals.
Evangelicals are defined in the report as “people who recognize their sinful life, rely upon Jesus Christ for their redemption, and receive practical life guidance and wisdom from the Bible in their quest to live under the lordship of Jesus.”
If the 10 percent figure is accurate, that translates to about 25 to 30 million evangelical adults in the U.S.
The report: “In reality, evangelicals are far fewer in number than typically reported, often are far less biblical in their thinking than one might think, and tend to vote in far fewer numbers than expected.”
Brian — We should always pray and work for spiritual awakening, biblical worldview, and cultural transformation. That’s a default baseline. We are currently in a season of decline in authentic Christianity and even growing apostasy in the United States. The hope? Spirit-empowered Christianity is explosive and fast-moving (not Cultural Christianity).
Waiting on the Lord: leaning forward in faith
“Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength …” (Isaiah 40.31 NKJV).
What it means to “wait” on the Lord is more than what most Christians think.
Qavah (kah-vah) in the Hebrew is not a passive waiting. Like waiting to see your doctor while looking at your phone.
Qavah is the Hebrew root of the noun tiqvah, meaning hope or expectancy. Qavah carries the meaning of waiting hopefully and expectantly.
It’s like you’re leaning forward with your neck outstretched — stretching out in faith — expecting what God has promised to be realized. So it’s intentful, not passive.
“The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the soul who seeks Him” (Lamentations 3.25 NKJV).
Lord, I seek you. And I wait in expectation and faith for your words to be fulfilled. I’m leaning into your future for me. I thank you that my strength is renewed like the eagle. Amen.
10 super foods to super boost your brain (continued)
A key aspect of God’s nature is that he’s a healer. He’s holistic.
We have a part to play with the Creator. Questing for wellness is a conscious, proactive process on our part as we reach for our full potential … spirit, soul and body.
Including these 10 super foods in your diet regularly will help to super boost your brain.
This health segment is the 2nd in a 4-part series. See the 1st part in the August 8 newsletter. Be encouraged to read, watch videos, listen to podcasts! Become self-educated as much as you can about your well-being.
3. Coconut Oil
Contains a medium chain fatty acid which sparks your body’s fat-burning process.
Fat-burning process helps create ketones which is your brain’s preferred fuel source.
Coconut oil is the good fat that can actually help you lose fat!
4. Blueberries
Steven Pratt, MD, author of “Superfoods Rx: Fourteen Foods Proven to Change Your Life,” calls them brainberries!
Improves learning capacity and helps guard the brain against oxidative stress.
May reduce conditions of brain-aging like dementia and Alzheimer’s.
Try to get up to a cup a day.
5. Broccoli
This cruciferous vegetable is full of powerful plant compounds, including antioxidants.
High in vitamin K which is known to enhance cognitive function.
Go further:
Download this guide from Harvard doctors: Understanding Inflammation. Includes key signs of inflammation and a list of foods and beverages known to reduce inflammation.
See the complete list: 10 Super Foods to Super Boost Your Brain at my site 👉️ JesusSmart.com.
Appreciate you …
If you have any questions or comments, feel free to hit reply and let us know. Thanks for reading! If you loved it, tell your friends to subscribe.
Brian Del Turco

P.S. — Starbucks’ pumpkin spice latte is back, launching the fall menu August 22. Two days earlier than last year. The average calorie content of the fall drinks is 14,000 calories or 4.14 pounds in body weight per drink. Nah, not quite that bad, just kidding!