Sharpness - God's edge in your week

Sharpness from God to cut through.

Christian newsletter

Monday, March 3, 2025

Here’s a Kingdom B-12 dose to energize your Faith Quest this week—God’s sharp edge in your week! Look for the weekly long-form newsletter this Thursday morning.

Christian newsletter

By 3:00 pm on Monday. Forget that.

Sharpness—God’s edge in your week

Life isn’t a hamster wheel. This week isn’t just another grind.

God designed time with a rhythm—six days to build, one to renew. A reset button, built into creation itself.

Step into this week with fresh approaches to life/work from the Father.

⚡️Charge: Shake things up. Learn something new. Cut what drains you. Add what fuels you. Refuse the rut.

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Declare this out loud …

“I will live this week with the newness of Christ. I look for God’s sharp edge in my week. I refuse the old and dull—in my life and all that I put my hands to. I hit reset for the fresh and sharp.”

The Father’s edge 🟰 sharpness to cut through.

“Behold, I will make you into a new, sharp threshing sledge with double edges; you shall thresh the mountains and crush them...” (Isaiah 41:15 ESV).

Best this week! The Smart Edit long-form newsletter will be in your inbox this Thursday.

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