Live with conviction in crazy times

Real faith is strong conviction from above. It comes from Jesus.

Monday, July 8, 2024

Here’s your Kingdom B-12 shot to energize your Faith Quest this week! Powered by The Smart Edit newsletter.

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Live with conviction in crazy times

Live with strong conviction from above

Impressive doodling prowess, no?

Real faith is strong conviction from above. ✨It comes from Jesus.

When you're making decisions, soak in the Word and Prayer. Then follow where conviction leads you.

You don't need to overthink, OCD ruminate, and totally understand everything right away.

Let that conviction and your first steps of obedience renew your mind. Prove what is good, acceptable, perfect (complete, mature).

Practice living by conviction in this dazed, hazed, and crazed world! You’ll sense a renewed confidence and power.

Hearing from you matters!

❓️ What goals or challenges do you want The Smart Edit to tackle? Your feedback matters! Confidential.

Brian Del Turco

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