God must reign in our lives now

We “warm up” now to align with where the future is going.

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Monday, January 13, 2025

Here’s your Kingdom B-12 dose to energize your Faith Quest this week!

The righteousness of God’s Kingdom is the product of God’s reign in the human heart. God must reign in our lives now if we are to enter the Kingdom tomorrow.

—George Eldon Ladd, Gospel of the Kingdom

Jesus said, “Repent (change your mind, and life), for the kingdom of heaven has drawn near.”

Clearly, our top priority now is to begin living in light of what’s coming—seeking first his kingdom and righteousness.

Friend, we “warm up” now to align with where the future is going. And this will sound brutal … otherwise, we will miss out on that future. Our horizon will be drastically different.

“So, Holy Spirit, help me to take another step this week in orientating my life to Jesus and his kingdom. Empower me to help others to do the same.”

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