What are you designed to cultivate?

“I’ll show you the secret of the peanut”

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Here’s your Kingdom B-12 dose to energize your Faith Quest this week! Powered by ‘The Smart Edit’. Click ‘Listen Online’ above for the audio feature! ☝️ 

Q4U — What part of God’s creation are you meant to cultivate?

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Carver at work in his laboratory

I’ve always admired George Washington Carver, a committed Christ-follower and expert botanist from the late 1800s.

He was well-educated, yet he shared with the U.S. Congress that it was the Creator who revealed secrets to him. Every morning, Carver would pray for insight into plants and vegetables.

One day, God told him, “I’ll show you the secret of the peanut.” 🥜 

Carver went on to discover countless uses for the peanut, sweet potato, soybean, and other crops, transforming southern agriculture and the U.S. economy.

G.W.C. brought Christ into his work, unlocking the potential of creation through God’s guidance.

So, here’s my question: What part of God’s creation are you meant to cultivate? Small or great.

The best this week,
Brian Del Turco

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