Break out of that limiting box!

Discover life beyond limits with Jesus

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October 10, 2024

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This week … break out of that limiting box, put your ‘holy ding’ in things, and maintain brain function with Vitamin C.

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⬇️ P.S. Ancient 9-foot-long bug

Break out of that limiting box! Discover life beyond limits with Jesus

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Life outside the box!

It’s non-conforming … wild … creative.

No one can bust you out of the box like Jesus! He offers ultimate out-of-the-box thinking and living!

Today’s “reality”—with its constraints and limitations—does not have to shape our future.

The “box” is filled with things which keep us from living our best life. From accomplishing our most significant work.

It’s filled with forces that hold you …

😶 Things like poor thinking
😶 The grip of the past
😶 Fear
😶 Circumstances
😶 What others are saying

We need a jailbreak. Or better … a boxbreak!

Jesus touched a blind man. “Do you see anything?” he asked. The man saw people, but he saw them as trees walking around. He needed a second touch from Jesus. As he looked intently again, his healing was restored. See Mark 8:22-25.

We are the same. When we see new things with fresh eyes, then we can move into new spaces …

If we keep gazing at our present, limited place, we will continue to live in that experience. Our predominant focus creates our future reality. But if we hear the call to look further, to see new places … then we are filled with hope as we move toward a new horizon. A new day.

Begin to survey new possibilities as you hear the call. Keep seeking touches from Jesus. And then begin to move in the direction of new things … for it will be given to you as you as you are transformed.

Inner transformation releases transformation in our personal world, and the world-at-large around us.

What could be possible if you saw new things with courage and experienced life outside that tired box?

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Our understanding of God. Do we allow God to define (reveal) himself? Or do we think we can define God in our image (taking his name in vain)?

Dictate. You either dictate to the devil—the revealed Word of the Lord—or he will dictate to you as the “father of lies.” See John 8.39-47.

Story. The story is about Jesus and his kingdom. He partners with us to tell his story. This is the partnership where you discover your authentic Life Story.

Freed to put your ‘holy ding’ in things

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If you let Jesus truly free you with his touch, you can put your ‘holy ding’ in things. You’ll swell with joy when you hear him say, “Well done good and faithful servant … enter into the joy of your master.”

Brian Del Turco
The Smart Edit newsletter
  • One of the largest evacuations in Florida history. Hurricane Milton hits FL as a Cat 3 storm. Winds of more than 120 miles per hour. (CBN News) See latest updates.

  • Angloa prison, Louisiana. At a recent revival at Louisiana State Penitentiary, the Holy Spirit moved on nearly 1,000 inmates. 300 conversions. 50 baptized.

  • Top reasons people question Christianity. Good news: Americans are trending toward spiritual openness. Challenging news: Past negative experiences with religious institutions and the perceived hypocrisy of religious individuals lead many to question Christian beliefs. (Barna)

  • What are people looking for? People are seeking someone they can trust and a brighter future. The genuine expression of the Gospel of the Kingdom, lived out through the Body of Christ, offers the trust and hope they long for. As followers of Jesus, we are called to embody this.

  • AI? Who cares? What happens if we stop caring if something is AI? Are we zooming to a place where people can’t discern what’s real? Is AI blending in a bit too well? (The Hustle Daily Show on Spotify)

Holy Spirit—helper, advocate, counselor

"Parakletos" in New Testament Greek means "called to one’s side," signifying a helper, advocate, or counselor. In nonbiblical literature, it refers to an attorney advocating in court on someone else's behalf.

Jesus says to us, the Parakletos is the Holy Spirit: "When the Advocate (Gk., Parakletos) comes, whom I will send to you from the Father—the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father—he will testify about me" (John 15:26 NIV).

Let’s pray and affirm … "Jesus, thank you for sending us the Spirit of Truth, our helper, advocate, and counselor. We receive you Holy Spirit. We will live and move in tandem with you.”

Maintain brain function with Vitamin C

Vitamin C is essential for normal brain function and can cross the blood-brain barrier. Its levels in neurons are much higher than in other tissues.

While vitamin C deficiency has minimal immediate impact on the central nervous system, it plays a key role in protecting nerve cells. Deficiency can lead to mitochondrial problems, even in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease.

Research from Vanderbilt University Medical Center suggests that vitamin C may help prevent neurodegenerative diseases, especially for those at higher risk for Alzheimer’s.

The human body cannot produce vitamin C, so it must be obtained through diet or supplements. Because vitamin C is water-soluble and not stored in large amounts, regular intake is essential, with oral supplements being the preferred option.

Adapted from Epoch Times.

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The Word of the Week is  turbid. Cloudy, opaque, or thick with suspended matter (of a liquid). Confused or obscure in meaning or effect. “Her thoughts were turbid as she tried to sort through the confusing fight she’d had with her husband the previous night.” Source: WordDaily

Appreciate you …

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Brian Del Turco

Smart Edit newsletter

P.S. Scientists recreate the head of this ancient 9-foot-long bug.


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