Quest to hear, "Well done!"

Keep before you the horizon of hearing the Lord say, “Well done!”

Smart Edit newsletter

Tuesday, September 2, 2024

Here’s your Kingdom B-12 dose to energize your Faith Quest this week! Powered by ‘The Smart Edit’.

Click ‘Listen Online’ above for the audio feature! ☝️ 

deClutter ➡️ reClarify ➡️ reCommit

💪 There are seasons or windows of time in our life when we have to do this …

Ruthlessly deClutter — mentally, emotionally, in our physical space. Be ruthless ➡️ 

Then reClarify our vision and horizons in a fresh way ➡️ 

Then reCommit to our strategy and objectives, insisting on the right outcomes!

Face what needs to be faced,
Brian Del Turco

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