Feast on the Word of God and moderate news intake

We become consumed by Scripture, and news takes its appropriate place.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Okay, here’s your Kingdom B-12 shot to energize your Faith Quest this week! Powered by The Smart Edit newsletter.

Feast on the Word of God, moderate news

Jay Y. Kim serves as Lead Pastor of WestGate Church in Silicon Valley, CA.

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He writes in Listen, Listen, Speak: Hearing God and Being Heard in a Noisy World,

“When we feast daily on the Word of God and moderate our news, we become consumed by Scripture, and news takes its appropriate place as merely a means for informing us of current events, rather than holding transformational power over us.” hardback | eBook

We don’t want this:

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Illustration from ‘Listen, Listen, Speak’

Here’s the winning approach:

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Illustration from ‘Listen, Listen, Speak’

Are you with me that this is wildly relevant right now? … “Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life” (Proverbs 4.23 NKJV).

We can’t get around this: Intake shapes internals. Then internals shape externals.

Father, I want my mind and heart to resonate with yours. Help me with my personal indulgence-moderation equation. Thank you.

Appreciate you,
Brian Del Turco

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