You can't force faith in others

You can pray for others to hear the Living Voice.

Monday, June 24, 2024

It’s the gift of another week! Here’s your B-12 shot to energize your Faith Quest. Powered by The Smart Edit newsletter.

You can challenge UNFAITH in others. But you can’t force FAITH.

Here’s what you can do though …

You can pray for softened hearts to receive and ears to hear the Living Voice.

“Today if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts” (Hebrews 3.15 NASB).

There it is. A soft, supple heart. And sensitive hearing.

Because faith comes via hearing — see Romans 10.17.

We can pray this for our own heart-hearing capacity.

And we can pray this over others whose faith needs to go from “Zero to 1.”

Brian Del Turco

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